WhatsApp launches “View Once” feature to enhance users’ privacy


WhatsApp launches view once feature to enhance users' privacy

WhatsApp has announced the launch of a new feature called “View Once” that aims to enhance users' privacy and give them more control over the content they share.

This feature allows users to send photos, videos, and voice messages that automatically disappear after being viewed or heard by the recipient just once.

With this feature, WhatsApp aims to address users' concerns about sharing temporary or sensitive content without worrying about the recipient keeping it or resharing it.

The "View Once" feature works as follows:

  • To send a photo or video:
    1. Open WhatsApp and start a conversation with the person you want to send the photo or video to.
    2. Tap the camera or gallery icon.
    3. Select the photo or video you want to send.
    4. Click the “View Once” icon (lock icon) that appears next to the Send button.
    5. Send photo or video.
  • To send a voice message:
    1. Open WhatsApp and start a conversation with the person you want to send the voice message to.
    2. Press and hold the microphone icon.
    3. Record your voice message.
    4. Click the “View Once” icon (lock icon) that appears next to the Send button.
    5. Send the voice message.

The “View Once” feature has many advantages, the most prominent of which are:

  • Enhanced Privacy:   This feature allows users to share temporary content without worrying about the recipient keeping it or resharing it.
  • More control:   Users have more control over how others interact with the content they share.
  • Feel Safe:   This feature helps users feel more secure when sharing personal or confidential moments.

However, it is important to note that the “view once” feature is not without some drawbacks, most notably:

  • Screenshots are not blocked:   The recipient can take a screenshot of the photo or video before viewing it, which may make the View Once feature ineffective in some cases.
  • Re-recording is not prohibited:   In the case of voice messages, the recipient can re-record the message without the sender knowing.
  • Doesn't eliminate the need for caution:   Users should be careful when sharing any content even with this feature enabled, as it does not guarantee absolute privacy.

Overall, the View Once feature is a positive addition to the WhatsApp platform that helps enhance users' privacy and gives them more control over the content they share.

In addition to this feature, WhatsApp offers many other privacy features such as end-to-end encryption and the ability to control who can see the user's last seen and profile picture.

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